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Claygate Lodge

Burns night 2017, saw the Lodge’s annual New Year Supper take place at The Hare & Hounds on Claygate Green, where some fourteen members, assembled for what proved to be a very enjoyable and successful dinner.

Being Burn’s night, haggis and neaps were on the menu and proved to be an excellent choice. A glass was raised to our two Scots members, Jonty Cooke and Gavin Wilson who were not able to be with us for this event.

We were delighted to have Peter Habermel, Claygate’s own and ever supportive Grand Officer , join us for the evening which was hosted by our reigning Master Bill (the drummer) Slattery.

A raffle was organised by our new Charity Steward, Ian Johnson, and over £140 was raised for distribution to the charities which we support.

Thanks are due to all at the Hare and Hounds for looking after us so well and making this such an enjoyable occasion.

Lionel Frewin

(Lodge information officer)

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