Freemasonry and Charity

The values of Freemasonry are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness. From it’s earliest days, Freemasonry has been involved in charitable activities. It continues to provide support for the widows, orphans and dependants of Freemasons as well as many others within the community.
Until the National Lottery began, it was the largest provider of charitable funds and even now ranks second in the UK. It donates large sums to national, regional and local charities ensuring that money is well spent with minimal administration costs. A good example is the £220K raised (in six weeks) around the country to support those affected by the flooding of the Somerset Levels in 2014. Whilst government support was added to this, Somerset masons were at the forefront of distributing these funds to ensure that they were well spent, supporting not only individuals but also helping communities to get back on their feet by rebuilding village halls and providing ‘support wardens’ to give advice and use contacts in the area to get things done.
It is entirely up to the individual Mason as to what he gives to charity, it is always private and should always be undertaken without detriment to his other responsibilities. Many members make regular monthly contributions which is many cases is around £5 a month. You give what your circumstances in life permit and what you are comfortable with - there is never any pressure.
Claygate Lodge supports charities through both regular and one-off donations. These charities are outlined by the Master of the Lodge in his year of office and all funds raised throughout the year are donated to those charities.